The Search For The Truth

(7 customer reviews)


NOTE: Select a version to suit your number of guests and add it to your cart. Note that some are “mystery not murder” versions and others are “murder mystery” versions. See samples below. If you want more than one version, just buy the larger one and contact us and we will send you the smaller version as well for no extra charge.


A great Christian mystery game. This game is perfect for Church & youth groups!

A group is attending a Christian camp. They find that they are not only on a search for their own personal truth, but also the truth in relation to a crime they didn’t think could ever happen – the poisoning of camp leader, Peter Stein.

In the “mystery not murder” versions of this kit, the poisoning does not lead to death. It is more like food poisoning.

Versions and samples:

  • Standard (mystery not murder) for 8, 9 (5f4m), 10, 11 (6f5m), 12 and 13 to 16 guests ($29.95):
  • Standard (murder mystery) for 8, 9 (5f4m), 10, 11 (6f5m), 12 and 13 to 16 guests guests ($29.95):
  • Large Standard (mystery not murder & murder mystery versions) for 13 to 30 guests ($39.95):
  • Play (mystery not murder) for 13-16 guests ($29.95):
  • Meet and mingle (mystery not murder & murder mystery versions) for 17-30 guests ($39.95):

Christian cross
This mystery was written with the assistance of a youth pastor in the US and was loosely based on real teenagers. There are some references to Biblical stories. However, all our kits are great for Church fund raisers and youth camps.

This kit can also be enjoyed by non-Christians.

Overview of the murder version

A large group is attending a Christian camp. The theme for the weekend is to find the truth. As the weekend progresses the participants find that they are not only on a search for their own personal truth, but also the truth in relation to a crime they didn’t think could ever happen – the murder of camp leader, Peter Stein.

Peter was a hard-working 56-year-old man who was said to look like “a stern garden gnome”. He was a Vietnam vet and retired Lt. Col. in the US Army. His favorite food was Haggen Daaz ice cream and he never turned down dessert. He had a wife who helped run the camp, two grown children and four grandchildren. He was a counselor for the police department. He had a Masters in counseling, although some people found his counseling style a bit dictatorial.

Overview of the mystery version

A large group is attending a Christian camp. The theme for the weekend is to find the truth. As the weekend progresses the participants find that they are not only on a search for their own personal truth, but also the truth in relation to a crime they didn’t think could ever happen – the poisoning of camp leader, Peter Stein. But it is obvious that there was no intention to kill Peter, only to make him sick.

Peter is a hard-working 56 year old man who is said to look like “a stern garden gnome”. He is a Vietnam vet and retired Lt. Col. in the US Army. His favorite food is Haggen Daaz ice cream and he never turns down dessert. He has a wife who is helping run the camp, two grown children and four grandchildren. He is a counselor for the police department. He has a Masters in counseling, although some people found his counseling style a bit dictatorial.

Excerpt from this Christian party game

Langley: “Some people have been giving Peter the cold shoulder on this camp. Actually it’s been more like a freezer, than just refrigerator type “coldness”.”

Biblical stories referred to in the Christian game

Abel was killed by Cain because Cain didn’t value God’s love. This story is covered in the Book of Genesis in the Bible.

The handwriting on the wall is mentioned in The Book of Daniel in the Bible. King Belshazzar and his guests didn’t know what it meant. Only Daniel could read the writing. It told that they would be punished because they were drinking from golden cups stolen from the temple.

“The burning bush” is mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. This is when God captured Moses’ attention by presenting him with a burning bush. It was then that God spoke to him.

Additional information

Number Of Guests:

8 to 16 (mystery not murder – standard format), 8 to 16 (murder – standard format), 13 to 30 (large standard format with mystery not murder & murder mystery versions), 13 to 16 guests (play format – mystery not murder version), 17 to 30 (meet & mingle – mystery & murder versions)

What They've Said

Adam Whitney (verified) – November 22, 2020

“We did this for a youth party at church for something different during Halloween. Kids loved it. Was fun watching them get into their roles!”

Esther (verified) – September 5, 2022

“We had fun when it came time to finally play. My one recommendation would be to make the players a bit more flexible for the smaller groups too. I had a couple of people that were fluctuating in and out of the count (between 11 – 13 players). I ended up having to print off 3 different versions before it was done because each change in count changed the dynamic of the character interactions and story line. The larger group had a few optional characters to make that easier and something like that would’ve been great for the 10+ group for late adds, etc.”

Reply by Stephanie Chambers

“Hi Esther – I am glad you enjoyed it, but sorry you had to do so much printing. I am gradually redoing all the kits so that they will be a flexible play for 8 suspects and with a number of optional witnesses / authorities. Thanks for the feedback. All the best, Stephanie”

Nathan Walmsley (verified) – April 7, 2021

“We used it for our youth group and used all the characters (plus a few extras) and had a 4 course meal to go around it. We had a great night and it’s very likely we’ll do another murder mystery night for our youth group.

Perhaps being a bit nit-picky but there were a few minor things and perhaps my fault for not looking closer at it before I purchased.

The invitations were slightly basic and I have seen other murder mystery’s with more elaborate invitations.

I had hoped there might have been a double meaning to “The search for the Truth” and that it might have also had a devotional element to it weaved into it. Perhaps something that brought out how Peter was perhaps quick to point out the faults of others rather than being loving and forgiving?

Some of the characters may be slightly questionable for a youth group (one needing to wear an outfit with exposed belly, though there was a link to the story).

Also the additional characters (witnesses) seemed to miss out a little on the game play and only really had one line to share, it would have been nice to share the opportunity to share things around. That said, if you do have people who prefer not to share in a big group, (or younger children who might not be that great at reading) the witnesses would be good parts for them.

I did love that I could download it and it and not have to wait to order it and it was a well constructed story that had people guessing.”

Jeremy Thom (verified) – August 5, 2022

He gave the large standard version 4 out of 5 stars.

Teri Woods, USA

I wrote this kit with the help of Teri Woods – a youth pastor in the US.


Sorry for taking so long to let you know how the party went but when I got back the whole Easter thing was thrown my way. I have been a busy little bee.

So, they LOVED it!

I think I told you we were going to plant evidence and let the kids find it. Well, when we gave them evidence markers and told them to look for clues they went outside and started marking everything from gum wrappers to broken potatoe chips they found. We finally had to tell them to hold off until they saw something they KNEW was a clue. Throughout Saturday we planted the clues… the diary, the letter, the watch, and a couple other things. They did get the idea and started to keep a look out, not ever knowing when something would show up.

Anyway, it went so very well. Thank you for everything you did. It is a weekend these kids will not soon forget!

In Him Always,

Pastor Bob, USA

“We ran it last week with our youth group. We had 35 youth participate (we had to double up on a couple of parts) and everyone had a great time. The accusations still continue even after they know the solution. Thanks.”

Carol Ferdinand, USA


I just had to write, and tell you of the wonderful response “The Search for the Truth” had with my church youth group. Everything went well, and all present had a wonderful time.

Our production took place on Saturday, September 22, 2001. The hall was decorated with red and white checkered table cloths, and mason jars acted as simple vases. The program was advertised as an audience participation Mystery Dinner Show, and the players had been given acts one and two, along with their character sheets, approximately 2 months in advance. (Act 3 was kept secret because I didn’t want them figuring it out).

Tickets were sold for $10.00 which included the dinner as well as the show. The dinner consisted of a salad, spaghetti w/roll, and dessert. We tried to keep our costs low, since the goal of the program was to raise funds for our youth group.

Unfortunately, several of our youth backed out at the last minute, and adults were called upon to fill some of the teenage roles. They were great!! Detective Sam Cummings was turned into Samantha Cummings, and my only regret is that no one took a picture! She was a cross between Columbo and Mimi from Drew Carey.

Everyone arrived to the hall to decorate and prepare the meal, in character. They were so into it, that they would not respond unless called by their character name. (This was quite annoying at times, but I created the monsters so I couldn’t complain).

We had approximately 35 guests in attendance. The characters greeted them, and served them throughout the night. In addition, 13 audience members were called upon to read clues. After Act 3, everyone was given a card to write their name, and guess “Who Done It?” Five audience members guessed correctly, and received a CD holder in the design of a basketball.

I was so into the show, that I forgot my video camera was ready and waiting in the next room. Therefore, I did not get any pictures the entire night.

<p”>The Search for the Truth was a huge success, and the kids (and audience) are looking forward to our next production.

I am sure that I will be contacting you soon to get another mystery. They are fun and simple to do, and fairly low cost.


Carol Ferdinand

Very Satisfied Customer
Brownstown, Michigan USA”

Emma Keirle, Guernsey, Channel Islands

“Over the last few years we have done several of your mysteries and we have just finished the Search for the Truth which was amazing and the 16 young people who took part loved it! I normally do these with our church youth group and they are very suitable, for which I am grateful!!

Thank you again for providing a wonderful resource.

Emma Keirle

St Martins Church Guernsey Channel Islands”

Alana Cook, USA

Here is Alana Cook’s photo from her “The Search For The Truth” party:

A photo from Alana's The Search For The Truth party

Alana sent in this feedback about her party:

“We did this party a couple of years ago as a Halloween event for our students and it was a BLAST. I’m looking through all of the new parties and seeing what one we would like to do this year. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to see how the kids will dress up this year. They went all out for the “Search for Truth” party so I know they won’t disappoint this year! Thanks for the great organization of the kits and giving us everything we need to put on a great party!


The people present are:

Detective Sam Cummings

A police officer. I knew Peter from the police station. But we weren’t friends.


Kevin Spicer

I’m mad about heavy metal music. I played piano for 11 years but now I prefer to play bass guitar. I received a scholarship recently to do computer science at university. I like chick flicks but never get to see them because I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m too embarrassed to go on my own. I hate Tim Allen movies. I was in a car wreck last year that totaled my friend’s car. I drive a big red Buick, work at sorting parcels, and still live with my mom.

Pamela Marras

I am so sweet – everybody says so. I have a beautiful laugh that is contagious, but too loud sometimes, people tell me. Guys are mad about me and I’m mad about Latin. I have played in the sea a little bit but I don’t know how to swim so I don’t go swimming. I wear contact lenses. I’ve vacationed out of the country to places like Trinidad and Bermuda. I’m vegetarian. I like karate movies and I hate people telling me what I should or shouldn’t do.

Kennie Rosie

I love any movies by Monty Python especially “The Search For The Holy Grail”). I’m a drummer and play the guitar pretty well too. I’ve written a few songs including “My Two String Guitar” which everybody knows and likes. I love basketball and work at a grocery store. I have a girl for a best friend (Kitty Raymond) and a girlfriend (Renata Beavis). I’m a great skateboarder and a pretty good snowboarder too. I can always make people laugh so I’m good fun to have around. My ambition is to be a radio broadcaster or an actor, because I can do great English and Australian accents.

Eleanor Hoskins

I am fluent in sign language as both my parents are deaf. I spent last Christmas on a cruise in the Bahamas. I wear braces and I can eat more than anyone else but I never put on weight. Everyone teases me about my appetite. They tell me I’m eating all their supplies but I don’t think they’re serious. My hair is red right now but I change the color every month or so. I’m mad about a guy named Tyler, but that might change next week. I’m a student and I work at a copy shop part time. I’ve taken 3 years of German but still struggle with it. I will be attending an elite art school in San Francisco next year. I like to wear clothes that show my flat tummy. At night I go to sleep cuddling my teddy bear.

Damien Hoskins

I’m Eleanor’s brother. I still live at home with my parents. Like my sister, I am also fluent in sign language. I love country music. I also went on the cruise with my parents. I have a dog and a cat (the cat is also deaf). I always wear a baseball cap, even to bed. The only time I don’t wear it is in the shower. I’m really fit because I walk about two miles every day and play football, basketball and do wrestling.

Renata Beavis

<p”>Some people think I’m a bit fanatical because I carry a toothbrush and mouth wash with me wherever I go. I make lists for everything, keeping track of every food group I eat during the day on a chart, which I keep in my purse. I always match my top with my socks. I’m an avid scrapbooker so I’m always taking photos. I’m Kennie’s girlfriend and I have a little white Maltese dog named Angelo, but they call him “Angel”, because he is one.

Kitty Raymond

I’m a gymnast. I no longer compete but I am still as limber as ever. If you notice my lisp, I would prefer you not to mention it. I always like to have something in my mouth to chew on. The guys don’t seem to like me very much. My socks never match. I think it’s a waste of time to worry about that. My parents are always off traveling somewhere. I’ve been to every state in the Union but Alaska and also traveled to Germany, Italy, England, and France. I don’t eat breakfast, and some people think I’m a bit ditzy. I wear contacts and when I spend the night somewhere without having my contact solution, I sleep with my contacts in my mouth. I swallowed them once.

Theresa MacGregor

I am a teenager and I’m in love with a 21 year old named John Mark Harrison and have been for at least a year (he used to go to our church but moved to Wisconsin). I’ve never been kissed by a boy and I like to mother everyone, even my own mother. I play the violin, am very ticklish and I’m very good at saving money. I have a purple and green bedroom; I’m great at foos ball, love the Green Bay Packers and talk very loudly when I’m excited. I love any movie from Saturday Night Live (eg “Wayne’s World” etc.) and simply adore the actor Heath Ledger from “The Patriot”. I love the ocean. In fact I love almost everything except my big feet!

Langley Weaver

I am a student. I play electric guitar (in a band with Kennie and Kevin), and am gaga over Donna Glover! I drive a black Cougar and I’m VERY protective of Donna. I’ll do anything she wants. I sing back up in the band and I have a little brother. Though I like heavy bands, I’m usually very mellow. I’ve just started working at a grocery store on weekends. It’s not much fun but it helps to pay my student fees.

Donna Glover

I’m a student and I’m gaga over my boyfriend Langley. I’m teaching myself how to play the piano and I work at a department store. I adore short shirts and hipsters but my parents won’t let me wear them. With my blonde hair everybody says I look like Brittney Spears. I know a lot about horses. I plan to be a vet and I don’t intend to have any kids. I prefer animals. I love anything that’s pink. My whole room is pink. I also sing in a choir. They tell me I have a lovely singing voice. I pretend to be ditzy (but I’m really not). Eleanor Hoskins is my best friend in the world.

Rose Willis (not in version for 12)

I’m a youth leader and I also work as a draftsperson for an architecture firm. I’m getting married this fall to Keld who I adore. I just started learning the guitar so we can sing songs at camp, but I’m not particularly good at it. I don’t like girls who giggle all the time and just chase boys. Some people say I’m spunky but that’s not important to me. What is important is honesty and staying close to people you love. I drive an old silver/gray Honda. I’m sort of a tomboy, with one niece and one nephew.

Keld Henderson

I work as a draftsman for an electrical firm. I’m getting married this fall to Rose, which is very exciting. I’m usually quiet except when in a competition of some sort. They say I’m very competitive. I love to ride jet skis. I really want one! I drive a little white truck and love anything that has to do with the “Indiana Jones”.

Reading Level

Reading level: 6

Note: The reading levels of each kit (not just “page” as it says below) were determined by copying and pasting the kit (the play version), into The Readability Test Tool (see

The Search For The Truth reading details picture

7 reviews for The Search For The Truth

  1. Kevin Johnson (verified owner)

    We used this for a youth group and it was a ton of fun!

  2. Rev. Joseph Bezio Jr. (verified owner)

    Some of the tie in between characters were a bit confusing at times but we still had a great time.

  3. Chelsea Flaman (verified owner)

    We used this script for a mom’s night and we had a lot of fun!!

  4. Leah G. (verified owner)

    Our youth group had a blast! It’s so true, the more you get into character and have fun, the better it turns out! We had never done a murder mystery. The instructions were very clear and easy to follow!

  5. Alyce Raley (verified owner)

    My youth group and their parents loved it at our Christmas Party. We laughed so hard and loved trying to solve the mystery.

  6. Jeremy (verified owner)

    I am the campus pastor for the Christian Campus House at Northwest Missouri State University and we just used “The Search for the Truth” at our student leadership retreat as a bonding activity. The students loved it! It was well laid out and easy to use. Unlike other mystery games that take time to get things going, this one did not. I think the main reason was leading questions provided in the Detective character. If I was to make a suggestion. It would have been nice to have the material in a booklet print and fold, opposed to print and cut. Thanks!

    • Stephanie Chambers (store manager)

      Thanks so much for your review. We really appreciate it. We are gradually reformatting our kits so that they will be easier to assemble.

      All the best

      Stephanie (Director of Merri Mysteries Inc)

  7. Patricia (verified owner)

    Our small group did this in our home, everyone bringing food and coming dressed in character, with freedom to improvise and ad lib. The results were absolutely hysterical. We kept the menu very simple. As people gathered : popcorn and Checks-mix. Dinner: hotdogs, baked beans, coleslaw, chips and dessert: coffee bar, cookies and brownies. We let everyone pick their own part a week or two before. A very outgoing member volunteered to be the investigator and he was a scream, absolutely hilarious! We had a few introverts that didn’t want speaking parts and we gave them a pass and others read their parts, no problem.

    Image #1 from Patricia
    • Stephanie Chambers (store manager)

      Thank you so much for your review. I am so glad your group enjoyed it. And thanks for the photo too!

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

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1 star

Customer Images

Image #1 from Patricia
Image #1 from Patricia


Our small group did this in our home, everyone bringing food and coming dressed in character, with freedom to improvise and ad lib. The results were absolutely hysterical. We kept the menu very simple. As people gathered : popcorn and Checks-mix. Dinner: hotdogs, baked beans, coleslaw, chips and dessert: coffee bar, cookies and brownies. We let everyone pick their own part a week or two before. A very outgoing member volunteered to be the investigator and he was a scream, absolutely hilarious! We had a few introverts that didn’t want speaking parts and we gave them a pass and others read their parts, no problem.

Image #1 from Patricia
1-6 of 6 reviews
  1. P

    Our small group did this in our home, everyone bringing food and coming dressed in character, with freedom to improvise and ad lib. The results were absolutely hysterical. We kept the menu very simple. As people gathered : popcorn and Checks-mix. Dinner: hotdogs, baked beans, coleslaw, chips and dessert: coffee bar, cookies and brownies. We let everyone pick their own part a week or two before. A very outgoing member volunteered to be the investigator and he was a scream, absolutely hilarious! We had a few introverts that didn’t want speaking parts and we gave them a pass and others read their parts, no problem.

    Image #1 from Patricia
    • SC

      Thank you so much for your review. I am so glad your group enjoyed it. And thanks for the photo too!

  2. J

    I am the campus pastor for the Christian Campus House at Northwest Missouri State University and we just used “The Search for the Truth” at our student leadership retreat as a bonding activity. The students loved it! It was well laid out and easy to use. Unlike other mystery games that take time to get things going, this one did not. I think the main reason was leading questions provided in the Detective character. If I was to make a suggestion. It would have been nice to have the material in a booklet print and fold, opposed to print and cut. Thanks!

    • SC

      Thanks so much for your review. We really appreciate it. We are gradually reformatting our kits so that they will be easier to assemble.

      All the best

      Stephanie (Director of Merri Mysteries Inc)

  3. AR

    My youth group and their parents loved it at our Christmas Party. We laughed so hard and loved trying to solve the mystery.

  4. LG

    Our youth group had a blast! It’s so true, the more you get into character and have fun, the better it turns out! We had never done a murder mystery. The instructions were very clear and easy to follow!

  5. CF

    We used this script for a mom’s night and we had a lot of fun!!

  6. KJ

    We used this for a youth group and it was a ton of fun!

Q & A

How long do you need for this activity? Tania Alward asked on August 21, 2024

We generally say that our parties take around two and a half hours but this is allowing for meal breaks between acts (for the small versions). You can do it in less time (e.g. an hour) if you don't take breaks. Or for a larger party, you can reduce the time you let people mingle.

Stephanie Chambers answered on August 22, 2024 store manager
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